Toggle Settings

Welcome to the toggle settings guide for Karate Cat Snipe Bot. This guide will help you understand how to configure and manage various toggle settings to customize your trading experience on the Solana blockchain. Follow the steps below to get started.

Toggle Settings Overview

  1. Navigate to Toggle Settings Menu: Open the bot and navigate to the toggle settings menu by selecting the appropriate option from the main menu.

  2. Access Toggle Settings Documentation: For detailed instructions, you can access the toggle settings documentation by selecting the relevant link.

Enabling/Disabling Specific Features

  1. Anti-MEV Protection: Navigate to the toggle settings menu and select 'Anti-MEV Protection' to enable or disable protection against Miner Extractable Value (MEV) attacks.

  2. Automatic Refresh: Navigate to the toggle settings menu and select 'Automatic Refresh' to enable or disable the automatic refresh of market data.

  3. Miner Tip: Navigate to the toggle settings menu and select 'Miner Tip' to enable or disable the additional tip for miners.

Customizing Slippage Settings

  1. Adjust Slippage Tolerance: In the toggle settings menu, select 'Slippage Tolerance' to adjust the acceptable slippage range for your transactions. This setting helps you manage the impact of price changes during transaction execution.

Saving Toggle Settings

  1. Save Changes: After configuring the toggle settings, ensure you save the changes to apply the new settings. This will ensure that all future transactions use the updated configurations.

Monitoring Toggle Settings

  1. View Current Settings: Navigate to the current settings section to review the status of your toggle settings. This can help you verify that your preferences are correctly applied.

  2. Adjust Settings as Needed: Based on your trading experience and market conditions, you may need to adjust your toggle settings to better suit your strategy.


By following this guide, you should be able to configure and manage your toggle settings effectively using the Karate Cat Snipe Bot. Properly customized settings can enhance your trading efficiency and protect your transactions on the Solana blockchain.

Last updated